Craiglist for 60days, best and worst of.
- Indian Rice Specialist called and asked me if i could “tell [him] more about it” … and had me describe the level of stickiness achievable in my rice cooker, time to cook brown rice vs white rice…
- Russian Lady who drove 2hrs from Brighton Beach to get this rice cooker for $20 when i told her i would sell it only for $35. She started to yell at Solene and refused to leave the apartment. We had to kick her out.
- Deliveries: are you serious when you first bargain $50 off my TV to then ask me to deliver it to 125th in Harlem?!
- Spams; funny bot messages telling to keep items for them and they will pay an extra $50. When the item is worth $50. Spam engineers, please work on your automation algorithms
Next time i settle down somewhere, i won’t buy anything off a store. Overall the big lesson i learned is that if you have time, you can save a lot by buying off of Craigslist.
There is so much cheap stuff and in excellent condition on these classified ad platforms. And you get to meet very different peeps.
And if you haven’t seen it, Craigslist Joe is worthwhile 90min documentary on the platform.