We entered Zion National Park just before the sunset. This already gorgeous and pretty impressive landscape was even more beautiful with the warmly colorful sunbeams. Right away, we felt pretty humble in front of Mother Nature, and we couldn’t wait for the next morning to hike around.
We woke up at 5am in order to admire the sunrise from an overlook point we noticed on the trail map…but it didn’t go as planned. My map reading abilities when I’m fully awake and 100% focused are pretty limited, imagine at 5am, in the dark, without a coffee – I brought us on the wrong trail…
Instead of hiking for 45 min to reach the overlook point and enjoy the sunrise, we hiked for 3 hours before making a U-turn and going back to the car at 10.30 am… woopsie…
But we made it eventually and enjoyed the gorgeous views on the canyon, pretty amazing.
Then we went on another hike to admire the natural pools of the canyon and hiked for another 2 hours, encountering deers and hares.
Nature is so beautiful over there that wherever you look you will be amazed and you won’t even realize you are hiking for 6 consecutive hours.
If you have the chance, it is definitely worth it to come to Zion National Park, even during the winter season.
Entrance to the park is $30/vehicle and valid for 7 days.
Travel tips: if you enter the park before sunrise or after sunset, the toll booth will be closed and you’ll be able to enter the park for free.
Trails we hiked:
- Canyon Overlook trail
- Lower Emerald Pool trail
- Grotto trail
- East Rim trail