We are already at the end of our journey across the US, it’s time to pause for a minute and look back.
To anyone we met on the road: Thank You!This past few weeks, we’ve met authentic people who welcomed us with an open heart, introducing us to their home, cities and lives.
We discovered amazing landscapes and outdoors that kept us speechless.
We laughed, thought, starred, asked, tasted and overall, we had a such a great time!
Here are some of our travelling stats:
- US States we went through/ Etats Américains traversés: 15
- Visited cities / Villes visitées: 22
- Longest stay/ Plus long séjour: New Orleans, LA (7 days)
- Shortest stay / Plus court séjour: San Antonio, TX (5 hours)
- Days spent on the road/ Jours passés sur la route: 51
- Nights spent in hotels/ nuits passées à l’hôtel: 10
- Rented cars/ Voitures louées: 3
- Greyhound trips/ Trajets en bus: 7
- Fights/ Disputes: just enough to keep it spicy/ juste la bonne dose de piquant!
- People met on the road/ Personnes rencontrées sur la route: 30
- Visited friends/ Visites d’amis: 7
- Junk food dinners / Soirées au Fast-Food: 5
- Flights taken/ Trajets en avion: 5
- Couchsurfing experiences/ Expériences Couchsurfing: 7
- Preferred cities/ Villes préférées:
- Oscar: New Orleans, LA & Austin, TX
- Solène: Charleston, SC & Los Angeles, CA
- Worst food experience/ Repas le plus horrible: Popeye’s
- Total Miles/ Kms parcourus: 7.984 miles/ 12.849 kms
- Taken pictures/ Photos prises: 5966