Take a Finnish lady, 2 Americans and a couple of Frenchies. Bring them to Hawaii late February while they are trying to avoid winter on the mainland. Shake everyone in a shitty BMW and you’ll get a memorable road-trip around the fabulous landscapes of Big Island…
Waterfalls sightseeing
From Akaka Falls to the Boiling pots and Rainbow Falls, gorgeous waterfalls surrounded by lush vegetation. It definitely changes from the lava rocks fields we hiked on a couple days ago!
Backcountry camping
What better than camping close to the ocean shore, having a fire to heat marshmallows, a couple beers, and some friends to share stories? What better than falling asleep with the sound of waves going back and forth? What better than waking up with a view on the ocean?
Relaxing at the beach
There aren’t a lot of white sand beaches on Big Island, so when you find one along the coast, you enjoy it! Makalawena beach near Kona was stunning…
Beer&Food tasting
Visiting a place is also tasting its specialties and since we had a beer expert with us, we couldn’t avoid a stop at the Big Island Brewery in Waimea.
We also tried a meal called Poke, which is basically a raw fish salad, traditional from Hawaii and delicious.
Hiking&Snorkeling at Captain Cook
Captain Cook was a British explorer who provided the first accurate map of the Pacific. He discovered and charted New Zealand and the Great Barrier Reef of Australia and came to Hawaii a couple of times. On February 14, 1779, he was murdered by natives of Hawaii during his third visit to the Pacific island group.
A monument was erected in his honor in Kealakekua bay, which happens to be a great snorkeling spot as well.
Get to the US southern point
Ka Lae, also known as South Point, is the southernmost point of the Big Island of Hawaii and of the 50 United States. Known as a diving spot, we unfortunately couldn’t get our thrill as currents were too strong this day. Would have been too bad to end up crashed against the rocks…
Get to learn some Hawaiian culture
We visited the Pu’uhonua o Honaunau national park, a place which was used until the early 19th century for Hawaiians who broke a law. To avoid a death sentence, they could flee to this place. The offender would be absolved by a priest and freed to leave. Defeated warriors and non-combatants could also find refuge here during times of battle.
Dance with locals at Uncle Robert’s parties
And to finish on a high note, we discovered Uncle Robert’s Wednesday parties: Hawaiian live music, mouth-watering food stands, local artists and artisans selling their work. Great time!
In 3 days, we managed to see pretty cool spots on the Island and we shared some good laughs.
Thanks Kaisu, Logan and Brad, we’re gonna miss you!